Threat Level



Yes! You too can have a 'Personally Autographed' picture of R. Lee Ermey. These pictures are not available anywhere else. They are from R. Lee's 'PRIVATE STOCK' and signed personally for you as the orders come in*. We offer FIVE great pictures to choose from, purchase one for yourself and one for a friend! Simply CLICK on the Order Here button to the right of the picture and you're done! It's that easy.

The Jelly Doughnut
'The Jelly Doughnut'
If you would like an autographed picture signed by R. Lee Ermey select from the photo gallery below, each photo is approximately 8" x 10",click on thumbnail for detailed view, click on the order button next to the picture to order*.
Each picture is
$21.95 plus $5.95 S&H.

Sheriff Hoyt on Patrol Sheriff Hoyt on Patrol*



Sheriff Hoyt Sheriff Hoyt*



The Gunny wants YOU! The Gunny wants YOU!*



Private Joker Gunny Hartman and Private Joker*



On Location - Fire Base Gloria Lee on location of Fire Base Gloria*



Boys In Company C Lee on location of Boys In Company C*



The Jelly Doughnut Last but not least...The Jelly Doughnut!*


*All pictures are made out to the person ordering and signed the way the Gunny sees fit. If you need it to be different than that, after you order please click HERE! We DO NOT ship to PO Boxes. We require a valid delivery address for UPS on all orders. The ONLY EXCEPTIONS are APO FPO Military. International orders add $30.00 Canadian orders add an additional $5.00.